Félix and Amparo share their experience

Centro Popular para América Latina de Comunicación, CEPALC (Latin American Center for People Communication) created in 1978 promotes through the appropriation of media the dignity and rights of women and children. In recent years, the priority has been advising and accompanying groups of women, youth, and children in areas where the social and political conflict that has struck Colombia for more than 50 years has been more intense.

In 2022, at the invitation of some friends of the demobilized guerrilla communities, we visited the villages and held workshops with the child population. We verified the urgency of supporting these groups and these children who are “children of peace” and a real, concrete seed of hope in which a society can be built in the country guided by values of Justice and peace as taught by the Gospel message

More than 70 children and young people joined the full programme. They came from demobilized ex-guerrilla FARC families living in communities belonging municipalities on Meta department.

Training work with children has allowed us to get closer to parents, especially mothers, and initiate a training process with them on their rights, especially sexual and reproductive rights and economic rights.

In these two years of activities we observed Growth of self-esteem, confidence in themselves, in their knowledge and powers; Intellectual and affective enrichment of their lives thanks to the appropriation of languages and means of communication that allow them to gain social visibility before adults and strengthen the defence of their rights, gained skills to know and to express their emotions; work in solidarity in community and interact with the world of adults; begin of awareness to feel and act as subjects of rights, little by little abandoning the passivity and submission in which the majority were socialized following the prejudices of the patriarchal culture

We report a testimony received by Lidia Maria URREGO, a Political leader of the ETCR Mariana Páez
The Simón Trinidad NAR (New Reincorporation Area) community appreciates your support and accompaniment, especially in working with rural and peasant children in this region of the department of Meta. We hope they will continue to contribute to the training of children and young people on issues of human rights, values for coexistence in peace, women’s rights, respect and care for the environment, always seeking the construction of a supportive and collaborative citizenry committed to peace with social justice.”

Location: Colombia
Year: 2022 -2023
Sector: training Education
Project title: accompanying and training children

Nom Prénom


Lieu : Espagne
Année : 2019
Secteur d’activité : Formation Éducation
Intitulé du projet :
De Barcelone à Mexico City via Edimbourg