The Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East was formed in 1924 as a consolidation of the Armenian Evangelical movement which began in the 1820’s. It is comprised of 17 congregations rooted in the longer history of Armenian Christianity. Located in eight countries (Egypt, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, and Australia), the congregations and institutions of the Union have persisted in mission and in presence through the Middle East’s political and social strife.

Syria is gravely affected by the last 15 years: what began as protests against President Assad’s regime in 2011 quickly escalated into a full-scale war between the Syrian government and anti-government rebel groups. The humanitarian situation in Syria remains devastating, with 7 out of 10 Syrians requiring humanitarian assistance. According to estimates from the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, more than 600,000 people have been killed since the start of the war.

In its 2023 Global Appeal, the United Nations reported that more than 6.9 million are currently internally displaced, with more than 5.4 million living as refugees abroad. On February 6, 2023, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake and 7.5 magnitude aftershock struck southeast Turkey and northwest Syria, representing one of the worst natural disasters of this century. Syria’s twelve years of conflict have severely hindered its relief efforts—the head of the World Food Programme described the situation as a “catastrophe on top of catastrophe.”

“The ongoing conflict in Aleppo has caused immense suffering and displacement for its residents, leaving them in dire need of immediate humanitarian assistance. UAECNE provided essential aid to the people of Aleppo by distributing food and hygiene kits, ensuring their basic needs are met during these challenging times. People need to be accompanied in their efforts to reinforce community resilience. Through the implementation of this project, we could share God’s love for us. Therefore, this project had a positive impact on the lives of 400 needy families.”

Place: Syrie
Year: 2024
Secteur of activity : Diaconie - Humanitaire Aid
Project Title :
Distribution kits food and d'hygiene